Friday, November 19, 2021


 WHAT IS MIGRATION? Migration refers to changes of residence of people from one place to another, crossing geographical limits, for example: from one region to another, from one commune to another. habitual residence from one region to another, has the status of migrant. The causes and consequences of migration are political, social, economic or cultural situations that drive the departure from the place of origin or the arrival at the place of destination. In general, these are factors that reduce quality of life and that the migrant tries to solve by moving from their city or country.


WHY AND HOW MIGRATION AFFECTS FAMILIES? The main reason why it affects is that in most times a family member leaves and the family nucleus remains incomplete, in the case of children they are raised without a father or mother which is detrimental because they do not have a guide that prevents children enter a stage of your life that are in bad steps, which leads to that is rebellion

WHY DOES THE MIGRATION OCCURS? Migration is the displacement of a population that occurs from one place of origin to another destination and entails a change in habitual residence in the case of people or habitat in the case of migratory animal species. Most of those who emigrate do so for economic reasons, fleeing poverty, seeking access to work, a better standard of living, better working conditions and remuneration, or in more critical cases, for survival reasons.


ADVANTAGES: Migration can lead to an increase in the growth rate of GDP in destination countries, an increase in the wages of migrants, and an expansion of the indirect benefits of remittances for countries of origin


  • Socio-economic problems.
  • The search for individual or family development.
  • Lack of work.
  • The political-ideological persecution.
  • The insecurity product of violence.
  • The wars.
  • Ethnic religious persecution.
  • The improvement of the quality of life.
HOW DID THE MIGRATION CHANGE ME ON A PERSONAL LEVEL? I change in two aspects which is the family and my person, since I was migrating to what I was and I was afraid of moving away from my family and my person since when you travel to another country illegns. 

HOW DID MY POINT OF VIEW CHANGE, WHEN I HAVE TO MIGRATE? My point of view changed a lot since I learned to hold my family more because I never believed I was separated from my family, and also because I learned to become stronger in life and more independent in life since it was very hard because I learned to function on my own.

WHAT THE MIGRATION IS? Internal migration occurs when the movement of people occurs within the same country and external when there is an international movement from one country to another. Human migrations have been present throughout human history, since when any environmental, demographic, cultural, religious, socio-political or economic problem arose; people were forced to move from one place to another. Consequently, migrations occur more for social, political and economic reasons. To understand why people migrate, let us remember that the most basic concept of man's economic problem is to solve his unlimited needs, with the resources he has. This helps us understand that when people see the risk of not being able to meet their needs, they move from one place to another.

CONCLUSION: My personal point of immigration is that it makes me very sad since many families suffer or are separated by this chaos, this happens due to the bad steps of the government and a war is waged, but most of the time it is because the country is in crisis and people migrate to get a better life 



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  WHAT IS MIGRATION? Migration refers to changes of residence of people from one place to another, crossing geographical limits, for exampl...